Huh? What!??.... How did this picture get in here! .....This is me on the Deschutes River in Eastern Oregon, one of the great trout rivers of the West. This is one of my boats, a 17' owned by George Recker, who is a river guide from Eugene, Oregon. (This perticular trip is a four day event.) George caught a steelhead in the first 20 minutes of the trip, which lasted two meals. George is not only a guide, but a fabulous cook. I have never eaten better in any resturant than those four days on the river. You'll see George later in this slide show.

George is one of the top classical trumpet players in the United States. You name it, he's played in thier orchestra. I am one of the worst players in the US (I've been playing four or five years). He didn't speak to me for days after an article in Forbes Magazine pictured me standing in one of my boats on the river. Below is a link to the Forbes site and that article, sans photos.

 Forbes Article


